The FBK Library provides inter library loan and document delivery services to internal users and other libraries.
Most books in the collection can be supplied via ILL. The library may decline ILL requests depending on the weight and conditions of the item, or if the document is part of our small non-loanable collection. Due dates are adjusted to allow books to be available to users for about 30 days; loans can be renewed twice provided there are no other requests for the same item. Please submit your request for renewal before the current due date.
Requests for ILLs should be made by email to .
Charges apply to all requests so that we can offset delivery costs. The fee for most ILLs is 1 full IFLA voucher, although the library reserves to charge more for heavier books. The voucher(s) can be sent with the book(s) when the latter is/are returned to the FBK Library.
As per Italian copyright law, we are allowed to supply scans of one chapter / article per volume or up to 15% of a volume, whichever is greater. Documents are supplied as PDF scans; libraries are expected to supply them to their users as physical printed copies or to forward the scans to their users and ask them to delete them after printing out their copy. Scans cannot be shared any further than the user who made the original request.
Document delivery requests should be made by email to .
Please note that under no circumstances we can supply scans of copyrighted materials directly to external users; if you are not able to visit the FBK Library and would like to obtain a scan of an article or chapter from an item in our collections, please ask any library to send us a document delivery request or interlibrary loan request.
We operate on a reciprocal free exchange basis for scans / document delivery with libraries that agree to do the same; if that’s not possible for you, the fee is one half IFLA voucher per DD request.
ILL services are available for library users affiliated with FBK: please email us at to request an ILL.
The due date of each ILL is determined by its lending library. On occasion, we might be able to request a renewal.
Any reproductions must be made in accordance with Italian copyright law and only for research / study purposes.
There is no charge for users affiliated with FBK.
We are able to supply scientific articles and book chapters via our DD service to users affiliated with FBK (FBK employees, researchers, and collaborators); please email us at .
Any reproductions obtained via our DD services can only be used for research / study purposes and cannot be shared any further.
There is no charge for users affiliated with FBK.
Vedi le informazioni sul prestito interbibliotecario e sulla fornitura di documenti in italiano.
Biblioteca Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Via S. Croce, 77, I-38122 Trento | tel. +39 0461 314 293
e-mail: [email protected] | [email protected]
Orari: lunedì-venerdì, ore 8.00-19.00 | sabato, ore 8.00-12.00